For this podcast I used a Mac computer which I am not very familiar with. It took me a pretty good amount of time to figure out how to use grarageband and make it sound professional. It is difficult to get the timing down and make it all come together. I also searched the Internet a Little while to find an article that would be interesting and that applied to what we are talking about in class. I liked this article because we have been talking about how distance learning can help students learn from far away. I thought that it was very relevant to what we were discussing in class. I have also never made a podcast before so it was new to me. I think that this will be beneficial for me as a future teacher because it is another tool that I can put in my toolbox to facilitate learning in my future classroom. Being a science teacher I can use podcasts to give directions for labs. This is one way for audio learners to learn. It is great for students who are sick because they can just download a podcast at home and hear what I personally have to say to them about class. It is great for distance learning because with many students having mp3 players they can download podcasts very easily. I think that it a a very useful tool and it is a great thing that I know how to create one now.
Here is the link to article that I used for information:
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