Thursday, December 9, 2010

Three Ways of Intergrating Technology in My Classroom

One way that I would integrate technology in my tenth grade science classroom is to have a discussion blog where I will give my students a question of two a week that they have to go to their blogs and answer it with their point of view.  This way they can respond to other students blogs.  Another way that I will use technology in my classroom is to have a video uploaded on to a classroom site that students can get to of the labs that we do in class so that students can remember what happened and have a visual of how to do it.  A third way that I will integrate technology in my classroom is have a course website that will have assignments and dates of when things are due so they are not surprised.  This way students can access it.  We can also update the site and put what we did in class on certain days so students can remember and they can use it as a tool to study.  This will also help students who are sick because they can access it anywhere they want to.

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